Reinforcing our commitment to
Good and Green

We own and care for the largest privately managed belt of mangroves in Mumbai

Godrej Saloni, our beautician training programme for low income women in India

On International Volunteer Day, over 1,500 Godrejites from nine countries worldwide spread the word on health, hygiene and sanitation, across 70 schools

On International Volunteer Day, over 1,500 Godrejites from nine countries worldwide spread the word on health, hygiene and sanitation, across 70 schools

On International Volunteer Day, over 1,500 Godrejites from nine countries worldwide spread the word on health, hygiene and sanitation, across 70 schools

Building a more inclusive and greener India

As a Group, we have always actively championed social responsibility. We are now exploring ways to further this commitment through 'shared value' initiatives that create both social and business benefits.

As part of Good & Green by 2020, as a group we will aspire to:


Train 1 million youth in skills that will enhance their earning potential

As of March 31, 2016, GCPL has trained 1,36,422 youth in skills that will enhance their earning potential.

These programmes include:

  • Beautician training for low income women
  • Channel sales training
  • Rural entrepreneurship training for women
  • Sales training in general trade

Greener India

Achieve zero waste to landfill, carbon neutrality and a positive water balance, while reducing specific energy consumption and optimising the use of renewable energy

At a Group level, the progress achieved by our factories in improving environmental sustainability performance, compared to a 2011 baseline, is as follows:

Greener India Goal 2020
Become carbon neutral
Have a positive water balance
Have zero waste to landfill
Reduce specific energy consumption by 30%
Increase renewable energy sources by 30%
Achievement to date
44% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions
30% reduction in specific water consumption
50% reduction in waste to landfill
36% reduction in specific energy consumption
42% of total energy consumption from renewable resources

Product Innovation

Generate a third of our portfolio revenues from 'good' and/or 'green' products

Through innovation in our product pipeline, we are developing products that are safe and environmentally sustainable.

Goodknight Fast Card

About 3.3 billion people are at risk of malaria, worldwide. India alone sees 24 million cases of malaria each year, with 90 per cent of our population residing in malaria prone areas.

In rural India, in particular, penetration of household insecticides is very low because current products are either expensive or require electricity. With Goodknight Fast Card, our idea was to launch a product that would break the price barrier (available at just ₹1 per card), work instantly and not require electricity.

We leveraged the idea of this revolutionary paper-based mosquito repellent from our Indonesia business and substantially modified the product for the Indian market.